我記得將近十年前,有天晚上在家搞電腦,所有的電線糾結成一團,我在心情毛起來之後跟媽媽妹妹說: 看著吧,以後一定"有無線電源"這種東西的出現!
Wireless power system shown off
Electric tech could make plugs obsolete
A system that can deliver power to devices without the need for wires has been shown off at a hi-tech conference.
The technique exploits simple physics and can be used to charge a range of electronic devices over many metres.
Eric Giler, chief executive of US firm Witricity, showed mobile phones and televisions charging wirelessly at the TED Global conference in Oxford.
He said the system could replace the miles of expensive power cables and billions of disposable batteries.
"There is something like 40 billion disposable batteries built every year for power that, generally speaking, is used within a few inches or feet of where there is very inexpensive power," he said.
Trillions of dollars, he said, had also been invested building an infrastructure of wires "to get power from where it is created to where it is used."
1. Magnetic coil (Antenna A) is housed in a box and can be set in wall or ceiling.
2. Antenna A, powered by mains, resonates at a specific frequency.
3. Electromagnetic waves transmitted through the air.
4. Second magnetic coil (Antenna B) fitted in laptop/TV etc resonates at same frequency as first coil and absorbs energy.
5. Energy charges the device.
目前分類:愛因斯坦如是說 (7)
- Jul 25 Sat 2009 18:57
- Jan 26 Mon 2009 10:48
一「語」道破!波里尼西亞 祖先來自台灣
Science期刊上的原文連結在下面,有興趣的可以去看看,重點是這論文是奧克蘭大學(University of Auckland) 的"心理系"做的,是研究古人心理學嗎...。
Language Phylogenies Reveal Expansion Pulses and Pauses in Pacific Settlement
Science 2009, 323, 479-483.
p.s 有問題的話去問我妹,她是專家。
一「語」道破!波里尼西亞 祖先來自台灣
- Sep 23 Tue 2008 12:43
先來點化學小辭典時間。下面是這次毒奶事件的關係人,由左至右為元凶三聚氰胺(melamine, or 1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6-triamine),嫌疑犯尿素(urea),最後是受害者胺基酸(amino acids):
- Aug 22 Fri 2008 17:08
動物星球 之 海鳥潑墨畫
- Sep 30 Sun 2007 03:57
- Sep 15 Sat 2007 02:50
左腦 VS 右腦
根據每個人左腦右腦使用的不同,所看到的女人旋轉的方向也不一樣。真的嗎? 我怎麼看都是女人左腳站立朝右旋轉,這該不會又是網路流傳的謠言吧。抓了一個化工系專寫程式的朋友過來問問,他看一眼圖就不屑的說: 向左轉啊。語氣中帶點"你沒有眼睛不會自己看嗎"的調調。啥米?! 原來真的不同人看是不同方向,歐買尬真是太神奇了。